Until June 7, 2021 - participants register for the conference (it is impossible to make changes to the application after clicking the "Register" button, if you need to make changes, contact the organizing committee by e-mail: editor@s-lib.com).
The publication of the reports is planned in the form of articles in journals and a list of the Higher Attestation Commission ("Soft measurements and calculations", "Economics and management: problems, solutions"). Papers with a total volume (text, figures, bibliography, etc.) of 6-8 pages are accepted for consideration. The percentage of originality according to the Antiplagiat.UZ system must be at least 70%. One person can be the author of no more than two reports.
The texts of the reports are submitted in accordance with the requirements for the design of materials. In the file name, indicate: section number surname of the author speaking with the report the first word of the title of the report, for example: 1_Surname_Name of the report, in .doc format.
The program and organizing committees reserve the right to reject the application for participation in the conference.