
Economics, finance


Just about the complex: Military-economic analysis: Military-economic journalism

Bashashkina G.Yu.

1000 ₽
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Managing the economic efficiency of production technologies

Afanasyev V. Ya., Lyubimova N. G., Mishcheryakov S. V., Ukolov V. F.

1500 ₽
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System-oriented modeling of the real sector of the Russian mesoeconomics

Authors' team

1500 ₽
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The Institute of Money: from Antiquity to Financial Modernity

Gavrilova V. E.

1100 ₽
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The evolution of the conceptual foundations of theories of money

Gavrilova V. E.

1100 ₽
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Housing Construction in the Republics of the USSR During the 70-Year Period: a Macroanalysis

Pilipenko I. V.

1650 ₽
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The Method of Implementing the Clearing Payment System in Foreign Trade of the Russian Federation under Sanctions

Pilipenko I. V.

1300 ₽
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Theoretical and practical aspects of public financing of innovative development in Russia

Kookueva V. V.

1000 ₽
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Global economic trends and Russia's position

under the general editorship of I.N. Platonova, M.A. Maksakova

900 ₽
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System economy: development steps

Kleiner G. B.

1800 ₽
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Reflections on agricultural economics

Yarlykapov A. B.

950 ₽
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Modern economic theory. Economics for physicists and lyricists

Gavrilova V. E.

1300 ₽
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Applied macroeconomics: models and instruments of regulation

Brendeleva E. A., Safronchuk M. V., Stolbov M. I., Strelets I. A., Shchepeleva M. A.

1500 ₽
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Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Larionov A.V.

600 ₽
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Economic crises: theory, history, facts

Shcherbakov G. A.

0 ₽
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Mathematical modeling of financial and economic organization processes

Zvyagin L. S., Sviridova O. A.
1500 ₽
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State and municipal procurement

Team of authors

730 ₽
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Cryptocurrency model of a digital financial system

Grigoriev V.V., Loginov E.L.

700 ₽
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State and Municipal Finance

Pronina L. I.

1100 ₽
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Financial analysis and diagnostics

Vyborova E.N.

700 ₽
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Money, credit, banks

Vyborova E.N.

700 ₽
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Financial management

Vyborova E.N.

900 ₽
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Financial Research Workshop

Sokolov E.V., Pilyugina A.V.

420 ₽
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The economic potential of the fourth industrial revolution

E. I. Shumskaya

560 ₽
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Strategic partnership between Russia and China in the energy sector

Team of authors

900 ₽
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State and municipal finance: the budgetary system of the Russian Federation

Dadashev A.Z., Meshkova D.A., Topchi Yu. A.

700 ₽
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Demography and global economic processes

E. A. Mosakova

770 ₽
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Economics for Political Scientists

Edited by E.B. Zavyalova, M.V. Safronchuk

800 ₽
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Applied Macroeconomics

Edited by M.V. Safronchuk

700 ₽
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Breakthrough technologies for financing healthcare, pensions and the Russian economy

Sokolov E. V., Kostyrin E. V.

700 ₽
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Knowledge Economy / Opportunity Economy

Safonov M.S., Khlestova N.G.

750 ₽
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Methodological aspects of determining the price of products of the shipbuilding industry

Efimov Yu.V.

800 ₽
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Methods and models for the formation of the cost and price of shipbuilding products

Efimov Yu.V.

1050 ₽
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Problems and prospects of relations between Russia and the CIS countries in the gas market

Kolomeitseva A.A.

790 ₽
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Regulation of the banking sector in the context of financial globalization

E. V. Kruglikova

620 ₽
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Systemic balance of the economy

Kleiner G.B., Rybachuk M.A.

940 ₽
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Systemic risk of the financial sector: assessment and regulation

Karminsky A.M., Stolbov M.I., Schepeleva M.A.

880 ₽
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Economic problems of sustainable development of the oil and gas industry

Bystryakova A. Ya., Kondratenko N.S.

700 ₽
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Economic preconditions for the development of oil and gas resources of the Russian shelf

Kondratenko N.S.

900 ₽
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Methods for assessing labor intensity in the shipbuilding industry

Efimov Yu.V.

1050 ₽
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Collective forms of management in the modern economy

Dementyev V.E., Kachalov R.M., Kleiner G.B. et al.

900 ₽
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Investments and methods of analysis of investment decisions

Badmaeva D.G., Skobara V.V., Bychkova S.M.

500 ₽
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Institutional economy. Reader

Naumenko T.V.

1140 ₽
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Global socio-economic processes


1500 ₽
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Economic sustainability of agricultural organizations

Vasilyeva N.K., Vasiliev V.P.

750 ₽
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History of Economic Thought

Naumenko T.V.

660 ₽
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History of Economic Studies: a Reader

T.V. Naumenko

820 ₽
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Investment projects appraisal

Safonov M.S.

540 ₽
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Methodology of Economics

Naumenko T.V.

770 ₽
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Resource: Dictionary of categories, terms and terminological expressions

Orlova N. L.

400 ₽
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Economy of an enterprise (firm)

Kamanina R. V.

900 ₽
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Methodological problems of economics

Edited by T.V. Naumenko

1200 ₽
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Small and Medium Banking Business Models

Vetrova I. F. Korolev O. G. Melnik M. V. Yushkova S. D.

710 ₽
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Methodology for the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of regions

Usmanova T. Kh., Trifonov P. V.

700 ₽
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Public-private partnership: regional development experience

Ragulina Yu.V., Petrova Yu.I., Plakhotnikov A.A., Elesina M.V.

570 ₽
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Economic security of the state in the context of globalization

Efimov V.V.

850 ₽
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Investment control and audit in economic entities

Bychkova S.M., Skobara V.V., Yuldashev Z.Z.

700 ₽
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Development of methodological tools for the analysis of leasing operations

Skobara V.V., Bychkova S.M., Zubarev I.S.

660 ₽
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Applied Macroeconomics Basic Models for Economic Policy


760 ₽
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Increasing the competitiveness of regional enterprises: theoretical and practical aspects

Blagireva E. N., Blinov A. O.

730 ₽
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Accounting and analytical support of the economic activity of organizations in the context of anti-crisis management

T. I. Bezborodova

700 ₽
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Trading business

Koroleva S.I.

580 ₽
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The phenomenon of management in the economic space

Kovazhenkov M.A.

800 ₽
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Transformation of the system of local taxes and fees in the context of modernization of taxation in the Russian Federation

Mishina S.V.

720 ₽
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Financial management theory. Basic concepts

A. V. Sergeeva

680 ₽
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Regional distribution of food resources: issues of differentiation and ways to smooth out inequality

I. I. Kostusenko, P. V. Smekalov

800 ₽
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History of banking and stock exchange

Sokolov E.V.

450 ₽
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Theory of Industrial Markets


620 ₽
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Organization finances

Davydova L.V., Petrova Yu.M., Fedorova O.A.

750 ₽
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Methodology and assessment of geoeconomic security of regions

Chuvilova O. N., Romanyuta I. V.

620 ₽
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Management accounting

Mashinistova G. E.

860 ₽
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Development of the accounting and analytical concept of controlling: theory and methodology

Zhidkova E. A.

850 ₽
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Financial statements

Skobara V.V., Bychkova S.M., Badmaeva D.G.

600 ₽
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Financial reporting and analysis

Bychkova S.M., Badmaeva D.G., Skobara V.V.

600 ₽
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Quality control of audit activities

Bychkova S. M., Itygilova E. Yu.

1140 ₽
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Theory and methodology of internal and external audit

Safonova M.F., Danileiko N.G., Derevianko K.N.

810 ₽
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Internal control and audit of income tax payments to the budget

Safonova M.F.

750 ₽
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Analysis and assessment of financial stability

Averina O. I., Mamaeva I. S.

650 ₽
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Development of a management accounting system, analysis and control of value and added value in construction organizations

Kuleshova I. B.

720 ₽
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Responsibility in audit activities

Bychkova S. M., Itygilova E. Yu.

710 ₽
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State financial control in the state administration system

Skobara V.V., Telepneva A.V.

700 ₽
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