
Veterinary, zootechnics and biotechnology


Technology of using the product "DEZINFITSENT-NP" for disinfection of specialized vehicles

Reviewers: Bondarenko V.O., Abdullaeva A.M.

0 ₽
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Technology of using the disinfectant "Kavadez" for disinfection of veterinary supervision facilities

Reviewers: Drukovsky S.G., Shubina E.G.

0 ₽
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Guidelines for Determining Residual Amounts of Pesticides in Feed, Compound Feed and Feed Additives

Reviewers: Bondarenko V.O., Abdullaeva A.M.

0 ₽
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Guidelines for the detection of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in animal feed

Reviewers: Bondarenko V.O., Abdullaeva A.M.

0 ₽
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Cardiology synopsis for a veterinarian. Volume 3

Oleinikov D. A.

4000 ₽
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Half a century with chemical enzymology

edited by prof. Ugarova N.N., prof. Efremenko E.N.

0 ₽
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FIP is not a death sentence: diagnosis and treatment of feline infectious peritonitis

Lobanov P. S., Kletikova L. V., Viktorova E. V.

1500 ₽
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Cardiology synopsis for a veterinarian. Volume 1

Oleinikov D. A.

3500 ₽
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Cardiology synopsis for a veterinarian. Volume 2

Oleinikov D. A.

3500 ₽
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Minerals and vitamins in the feeding of caged fur-bearing animals

Maksimov V. I., Balakirev N. A., Deltsov A. A.

350 ₽
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Pathological diagnostics of pig diseases

A. A. Kudryashov, V. I. Balabanova, T. P. Maksimov, M. I. Maksimova

7000 ₽
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Top 15 surgical procedures in cats

edited by Vasilieva E.A., Vilkovyskiy I.F.

1500 ₽
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Cytology. Differential diagnosis of skin and soft tissue neoplasms in small pets

Francesco Chian, Paola Monti

4000 ₽
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Features of breeding sables in the conditions of fur farms

Chekalova T.M., Orlova E.M., Ruchkina Z.S.

230 ₽
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Diseases of dwarf dog breeds

Edited by I.F. Vilkovyskiy / ed. comp. Aituganova N.I., Albul A.V., Artyushina Yu.Yu. et al.

3400 ₽
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Guide to Veterinary Clinical Ultrasound

Translated and edited by Imbert G.S., Bogautdinova T.V., Orlova I.I., Dubovik D.P., Shklovskaya P.E.

3800 ₽
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Thoracic surgery

Edited by A.A. Vorontsov

1500 ₽
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Abdominal surgery of small pets

Edited by I.F.

2300 ₽
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Interactive traumatology and orthopedics of small pets. Volume 1

Ulanova N.V., Gorshkov S.S.

3500 ₽
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Interactive traumatology and orthopedics of small pets. Volume 2

S. S. Gorshkov, N. V. Ulanova

3500 ₽
1000 ₽
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Cardiology cats

Translation and scientific edition by A. V. Kamenev, P. A. Kuznetsov

3000 ₽
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Basic facts about physiotherapy for dogs and cats. Rehabilitation and control of pain

Edited by I.F.

1800 ₽
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Oncology of small pets

Edited by Trofimtsov D.V., Vilkovyskiy I.F.

3500 ₽
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Nutrition and metabolism of pathogenic microorganisms

Telishevskaya L. Ya., Bukova N.K., Komarov A.A., Nochevny V.T.

400 ₽
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Pesticide Toxicology

Gerunova L.K., Boyko T.V.

300 ₽
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Veterinary science in the service of protecting animal and human health

Smirnov A.M.

1500 ₽
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Safety requirements and veterinary sanitary examination of bee honey

Edited by M.P.Butko, A.M. Smirnov

800 ₽
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Requirements for ensuring the safety of food products of plant origin of non-industrial production in food markets

Edited by M.P.Butko

650 ₽
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Veterinary and sanitary requirements for ensuring the safety of meat and meat products

Edited by M.P.Butko

600 ₽
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Features of mineral metabolism in fur-bearing animals of cage keeping

Balakirev N.A., Maksimov V.I., Deltsov A.A.

220 ₽
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Breeding and selection and breeding work in rabbit breeding

R. M. Nigmatullin, N. A. Balakirev

850 ₽
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Mink Feeding

Balakirev N.A.

450 ₽
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Feeding and feeding rabbits

Balakirev N.A., Nigmatullin R.M., Sushentsova M.A.

470 ₽
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Modern methods of analysis used in the chemical-toxicological determination of xenobiotics

Danilevskaya N.V., Deltsov A.A.

230 ₽
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Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy. Medicinal raw materials of plant and animal origin

Danilevskaya N.V., Deltsov A.A.

450 ₽
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Fundamentals of Pharmaceutical Chemistry (Pharmacopoeial Methods for the Analysis of Medicinal Substances)

Danilevskaya N.V., Deltsov A.A.

300 ₽
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