
I International Scientific and Practical Conference
"Building management systems for sustainable development of the territory: aspects of digitalization"
(June 16-18, 2021)

About the conference


The purpose of the conference - consideration of trends and best practices of building management systems to achieve sustainable development of the territory (from the federal to the municipal level).

In the first conference (2021), the emphasis in the materials and speeches of experts will be made on the digitalization of management processes as a key conceptual trend in the modern system of government bodies.

Russian and foreign scientists, professors and graduate students of universities and research institutions in the field of economics, management and modeling of socio-economic processes, as well as experts working in business structures, regional authorities, public organizations and communities are invited to participate in the conference.

Иinformational writing


The work of the sections is organized in the following areas:

Section 1
Network analysis of institutional factors of formation and development of industrial clusters: aspects of digitalization
Place and form of holding: Institutional Analysis Laboratory, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Section 2
Digital transformation of the public sector: theory and practice, problems and prospects
Place and form of holding: Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs (VlSU) and the Accounts Chamber of the Vladimir Region (opportunity connectedand I online)

Section 3
Designing an innovation ecosystem in the space of information and digital technologies
Place and form of holdingVladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs (VlSU) and the Accounts Chamber of the Vladimir Region

Section 4
Social entrepreneurship as a factor of sustainable development of administrative units
Place and form of holdingVladimir branch of the Russian University of Cooperation (RUK)

Section 5
Smart transport: intelligent transport system in the regions
Place and form of holdingSt. Petersburg branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Financial University) (online connectivity)

Section 6
METAPROJECT of reforming the public administration system in Russia: state of research and methodological approaches
Place and form of holdingFaculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Section 7
Acquisition of national fashion: industry, beneficiaries, mechanisms
Place and form of holdingIvanovo State Polytechnic University (IvGPU), (online connectivity)


The conference format is umbrella - involves building network partnerships between the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as attracting the international agenda.

 Conference program provides for a plenary meeting and work in sections, as well as thematic discussions. The conference is expected to produce a collection of materials.

The deadline for accepting applications is 07.06.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX.


Forms and conditions of participation in the conference:

Conference language: Russian, English.
Participation in the conference is allowed in the following forms:
• face-to-face, including with the help of remote technologies: oral presentation, poster presentation, participation in the discussion of reports, discussion;
• correspondence.

Based on the results of the conference, a collection of works will be formed with the placement of the most significant materials in the scientometric Scopus database. The deadline for submitting materials is October 01, 2021. A sample of registration will be sent out additionally.

To main


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