Pronina L. I. The financial foundations of the municipal reform of 2014
Dadasheva D. A. Features of the development of individual entrepreneurship in a large city
Zolotko A. I. Structural analysis of financial security of municipalities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Moscow region)
Meshkova D. A. Social entrepreneurship as an object of scientific research and special taxation
Topchi Yu. A. Tax payments of small businesses as a source of local budget revenues
Sokolov E.V., Kostyrin E.V. Break-even analysis of medical services
Rostovskaya T. K. Formation of a standardization system in the field of state youth policy
Max O. N. Specificity of entrepreneurial activity in the field of tourism (on the example of the Travel Agency “Tour Leader”)
Guzenina S. V. On the features of modern approaches to the study of image and memory
Suslov I.F. Interests as a subject of economic science and a control lever
Polyushko Yu. N. Financial stability of an economic entity: analysis and assessment
Dulluev R. I. Constitutional liability
Lachinov Yu. N. Human capital: certainty of essence and evaluation
Kolotov Yu. O., Luzin A. I. Innovative methods for ensuring economic security
Ignatieva A. V., Batulin A. R. Entrepreneurial risk management at a manufacturing enterprise
Petukhov A. Implementation and management of innovative technologies in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs): 3D Visualization
Angolenko N. I., Umanets O. P. Budget tools for innovations: European experience
Maksimtsov M. M., Nestorenko Ya. V. Development of banking innovations in the remote servicing of retail customers
Polyushko Yu. N. Obligatory property insurance in Russia: analysis of insurance premiums and insurance payments
Smorodina M. I. Analysis of financial results of commercial banks at the present stage
Zhilina N. N. Improving the assessment and formation of equity of a commercial bank
Prokopchina S. V., Scherbakov G. A. Mathematical methods of economics: history and prospects
Rakhimova G. M., Gilmanova R. I. Actually on transfer pricing in Russia
Zaykova E. A. We carry out accounting at the simplified tax system, we approve accounting registers, we prepare reports
Belgorodtsev O. V. Problems of assessing financial stability and solvency of medium-sized enterprises
Kharitonova E. Management of changes in the marketing policy of an organization using the example of a textile company Neotech OJSC
Gladkova N. S. Risks and their impact on the activities of the company
Abdugafarov A., Mukhamedieva D. T., Mirzarahmedova A. Kh. Solving the fuzzy problem of attracting investments in risky farming zones
Dulluev R. I. Legal nature of the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation