Safronchuk M.V. Keynesianism today: mortgage lending programs and other incentive measures save the market
Antonchikov S. N. Adaptability and system connections
Sergienko E. S., Kenis M. Yu. Theoretical essence of enterprise communication policy


Delabost (Vysotskaya) V.V. Strategic planning and paired comparisons: some recommendations for comparing expert estimates
Belousova S. V. Conceptual foundations of the formation of the coordination mechanism in the social management system
Gushcha N.V. Instruments for regulating structural imbalances in financial systems of countries of the East Asian region
Biksina N. A. Factors of increasing the competitiveness of Russia
Olehnovich S. A., Karashaeva B. B. Intellectual capital as a competitive advantage of an innovative organization
Voronchikhina E. N. Formation of a systematic approach to solving the problem of reproduction of fixed assets in the regional economy for neo-industrialization
Dubrova MV Consolidation of subsidies from the federal budget for the co-financing of expenditure obligations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Ushanov A. E. Deleveridge in economics: reasons and ways to overcome


Musalikin V.V. Principles of forestry complex management in conditions of state support
Karpova I. F. Analysis of risk-based methods for assessing the effectiveness of the internal cost control system in terms of improving the economic security of business entities
Makeeva V. S. On the development of event tourism in the Gzhel region


Telegin Zh. A. Restructuring of the financial support system for the reproduction process in the agricultural sector under economic sanctions
Kasyanenko T. G., Krasnova A. D. Servitude as a special pricing factor in the assessment of buildings-monuments: a methodological aspect
Ovchar O. V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of modern methods and tools of tax and customs regulation of the oil and gas sector
Abukhanova A. T., Kalsynova T. Kh., Gulmagomedova G. A. On the issue of improving the forms and methods of tax control
Gitinova Z. Sh., Guseynova R. S., Gulmagomedova G. A. Forms and methods of tax control
Kuznetsov E. A. On the mechanism for promoting bank loan products to key customers
Polyushko Yu. N. Analysis of the economic activity of a credit organization
Safina A. R. A promising area of ​​cooperation between the BRICS countries in the energy sector
Tkacheva M. A. Actual issues of pricing and competitiveness in the Russian automotive industry
Frumina S. V. Management of pension savings by private management companies
Abdulmedzhidov Sh. A., Gadzhiev Kh. R., Gulmagomedova G. A. Necessity of transition to the Russian payment system
Velieva E. A., Gadzhieva H. R., Gulmagomedova G. A. About some directions of improving tax policy in the conditions of budget deficit
Tufetulov A. M., Galimardanova Yu. M., Khafizova A. R., Salmina S. V. Taxation of personal income in the Russian Federation: trends and prospects
Polyanskaya D. A., Tikhomirova O. G. Analysis of factors of innovation-oriented behavior of the personnel of the organization
Bykovskaya Yu. V. Financial provision of social guarantees to employees of internal affairs bodies: methods of budget planning, ways to increase efficiency, role in strengthening economic security


Natenadze E. D., Debeli A. A. Economic growth of educational organizations in modern conditions
Zverev A. V. Improving the quality of educational services through the liability insurance mechanism of educational institutions
Vasyunina M. L., Gorlova O.S. About models of financing higher education programs