Kleiner G.B. Systemic economics, economic cybernetics, soft changes and problems of the development of society
Drogobytsky I.N. Behavioral Economics: Essence and Development Prospects
Prokopchina S.V. The solution of economic problems in the face of uncertainty
Schepetova S.E. Rigid organizational structures as a threat to quality management
Adler Yu.P. Statistical Thinking and Big Data
Bespalova-Milek O.V. Classification of economic systems based on revenue allocation models
Babeshko L.O., Byvshev V.A. Combined forecasting of financial indices in the framework of collocation models
Beach M.G., Rytikov S.A. Elements of a process-oriented corporate knowledge management
Bogomolov A.I., Nevezhin V.P. Information impact on the competitive economic system
Bokova V.A. Conceptual Model of Civil Society
Galochkin V.T. The integration character of the Russian mission
Gisin V.B., Dzhagityan E.P. Scenario modeling of the impact of the capital adequacy ratio on the ratio of total assets of banking sectors to GDP of EAEU member states
Gorbunov V.K. A systematic approach as the basis of scientific theories of demand and economic equilibrium
Grineva N.V. Measuring and managing an innovative company in the face of uncertainty
Daneev O.V., Daneeva S.O. The economic system as a key factor in the organization of state and municipal finances
Delabost (Vysotskaya) V.V., Shmerling D.S. Expert assessments in strategic planning: methods of paired and multiple comparisons
Efimov Yu.V. Soft pricing technologies in the new ship market based on the regulatory Bayesian approach
Zvyagin L.S. Innovative mathematical and system-analytical studies: science and practice in the XXI century
Zelenkov Yu.A. The impact of knowledge management and change management on organizational performance
Ivanus A.I. Cognitive approach to the formation of membership functions
Katargin N.V., Bogomolov A.I. Optimization of investment planning in the region based on quality of life indicators
Kontsevaya N.V. On the addition of the theory of life cycles in terms of the nature of periodicity
Kotelnikov V.G. Integration of information flows in assessing the state of complex objects
Krasnopolsky B.Kh. Scientific and institutional infrastructure in the system of development forecasts for the Russian Far East
Kuzmin A.Yu. Hard and soft ruble exchange rate drivers
Maracha V.G. Feedback mechanisms in the public administration system: systemic-cybernetic and institutional aspects
Nikonova A.A. Poorly formalized factors of modern innovation
Orlova I.V. The use of modern computer technologies in solving real economic problems is a way to stimulate students' motivation when studying econometrics
Petrosyants V.Z. Conceptual foundations of systemic regulation of regional development
Ryzhenko A.A. The choice of components of a management support system for a unified information space of a state metacorporation
Satdykov A.I. Measurements in the system of secondary vocational education
Slavyanov A.S., Feshina S.S. The sustainability of developing systems in the face of increased external constraints
Soloviev A.I.On the Competition Problem in the Systemic Economy Paradigm
Soloviev A.K., Popov V.Yu. A systematic approach to the problem of raising the retirement age
Soloviev V.I., Shchedrina A.M. Modeling competition in the Internet services market: from competition of products to competition of management models
Tolstov A.V. Methodological aspects of analytical support for industrial enterprises management
Tregub I.V. Soft measurements in models of analysis of the impact of the financial crisis on global financial markets
Usmanova T.Kh. Quality of life: theory, politics and practice
Chagovets L.A. Models for assessing the threat of an enterprise financial crisis based on neural-fuzzy networks
Cherepanov V.M. System analysis of rectangular matrices of interindustry associated costs
Chuprov S.V. The modified Trapeznikov model in managing the sustainable effect of the functioning of the industrial economic system
Shchepetova V.N., Shamonina K.S. The matrix method of assessing the risks of commercial enterprises
Yashchenko N.A. Development of a pessimistic criterion for optimal banking in the face of uncertainty using game theory methods
Satdykov A.N. Systemic problems and mechanisms for the formation of the institutional environment for training workers for the domestic industry
Zbrishchak S.G. Solving problem situations in management based on collective cognitive maps
Trukhinova O.L. System analysis of the pre-investment stage of the investment process in shipbuilding of Russia