Panov D.V. On the organization of work on the formation of a new research and production system of ROSKOSMOS State Corporation
Vlasov Yu.V., Panov D.V., Raikunov G.G. The main directions of scientific and technological development of rocket and space industry organizations in ensuring the implementation of the strategy of space activities of Russia until 2030
Raikunov G.G. The main directions of the formation of a new research and production system of ROSKOSMOS State Corporation
Chursin A. A. Formation of adaptive management systems for modern high-tech production
Nazyuta S.V. Approaches to the University's Intellectual Property Management: Russian and Foreign Experience Investment, Financial and Management Analysis
Evtushenko O.N. Approaches to assessing competitiveness and diversifying enterprises in the current economic conditions in the Russian Federation
Nesterov E.A., Kokuytseva T.V., Shaporova Yu.G. Methods for managing the competitiveness of enterprises in the context of entering foreign markets


Ovchinnikova O.P., Kharlamov M.M. A systems approach to managing production systems
Boshniak T.V. Actual ways to increase the operational efficiency of production enterprises, a systematic approach to the management of production systems
Panov D.V., Davydov D.A. Analysis of the cost aspects of the production of components for space technology (for example, composite materials)
Tikhomirov A.V. Features of the introduction of business process management concepts at domestic enterprises of the military-industrial complex
Grosheva P.Yu., Chursin R.A. The main approaches to the management of research and development of high-tech companies in world practice
Shamin R.V., Kozyrev O.R., Logvinova K.V., Obydennova S.Yu., Giniyatullin A.R. A simulation model of the dynamics of competencies in enterprises in the knowledge economy
Leontiev N.Ya., Andrianova I.D. Classification and analysis of tasks to assess the effectiveness of decisions in the presence of environmental uncertainty


Ovchinnikova O.P., Ostrovskaya A.A. Revitalization of the banking system of Russia from the position of influence on the real sector of the economy
Prokopchina S.V. Soft technologies and tools for auditing and managing production systems in conditions of instability and uncertainty
Shmigol N.S., Pirgunova N.A. On some aspects of the management of sovereign funds of the Russian Federation