Kleiner G.B. Systemic economics: in search of a unified platform for housekeeping, management organization, development of economic theory
Ivanus A.I. The principles of functioning of living systems and semantic aspects of economic management
Lepsky V.E. From market egoism to harmony of development subjects (foundations of socio-economic cybernetics)
Moky M.S. Systemic-transdisciplinary approach as the development of a systemic paradigm in economic science
Balls V.F. Implementation of a systematic approach to building a model of socio-economic development
Vainmakher A.M., Rys A.E., Svintsitskaya I.V., Surmeneva A.A., Shmerling D.S. The need for strategic planning
Kruzhilov S.I. Principles of Social Economics
G. Scherbakov. Systemic paradigm in economic science: a “new edition” of a systems approach in the XNUMXst century
Feshina S.S., Slavyanov A.S. Methodological approaches to the classification and determination of the type of economic systems
Cherepanov V.M. On the boundaries of the possibilities of balancing matrix information


Nedosekin A.O., Reishahrit E.I., Kozlovsky A.N. Fuzzy-logical assessment of sectoral economic sustainability
Orphan E.N., Orphan V.E. Transformation of strategic planning in the face of accelerating change
Maracha V.G. Innovation clusters as collaborative networks: a system model of “cluster management organization”
Al-Nator M.S., Dontsova S.A., Soloviev A.K. Retirement age increase in the conditions of socio-economic uncertainty
Daneeva S.O. The dependence of the Russian economy on oil prices as one of the main problems in the formation of the federal budget
Gundarov I.A. The role of the collective subconscious in shaping the quality of life of the population (on the example of the Republic of Crimea)
Korotkevich A.I. Modeling the national economic system of Belarus and the direction of its transformation
Molchanov A.N., Reut D.V., Smirnov S.O. On the development of classifiers
Morkovkin D.E. A systematic approach to the formation of a highly diversified innovative economy in Russia
Petrosyants V.Z., Petrosyants D.V. Model of sustainable economic growth of a problem region
Uandykova M.K., Eleukulova A. D. Systemic foundations of managing the region's innovative development
Shcherbakov G. A. Questions of the cyclical nature of economic development in a systemic economy
Nikitochkina Yu.V. Factor model of strategic management of an industrial enterprise
Dosmukhanbetova R.S., Baitenova L.M., Ezhebekov M.A., Tleshbaeva R.B. Econometric analysis of sustainable development of the “resource-dependent” economy of Kazakhstan


Prokopchina S.V. Methodology and application of a soft approach for solving economic problems
Schepetova V.N., Pochekaeva O.V. On assessing the effectiveness of organizations based on profitability indicators
Tolstov A.V. Methodological aspects of determining the financial stability of an enterprise in conditions of information uncertainty
Kotelnikov V.G., Moiseenkova D.A. Bayesian technologies for the development and decision-making in the management of enterprises (organizations)
Zvyagin L.S. Application of system-analytical methods in the field of expert forecasting
Zamotaeva O.A., Shamonina K.S. Reducing technological risks in water transport enterprises in the face of uncertainty
Zbrishchak S.G. System-cognitive approach to organizing joint activities of a group of stakeholders
Pisareva O.M. Methodological and applied aspects of modeling the risks of illegal events in the field of licensed economic activity
Samsonenko L.A. Formation of a transport and logistics network of an online store based on a fuzzy game model
Kachalov R.M., Sleptsova Yu.A. Identification of risk factors in the implementation of digital technologies in the enterprise
Ryzhenko A.A. Cross-platform uber portal for distributed management support registry technology in networks of related organizations of the industrial sector
Usmanova T.Kh. Building Quality of Life Standards in a Digital Economy
Alexandrova I.A., Governors A.M. Development of the concept of effective management of innovative development of the industry complex


Kuzmin A.Yu. Ruble exchange rate driver system
Efimov Yu.V. Estimation of the complexity based on the optimization of the production function in the face of uncertainty
Volkova E.S., Gisin V.B. Price of information in the tasks of evaluating the effectiveness of cash flow with fuzzy payments
Koroleva D.A. Application of Bayesian measurement technologies in audit practice
Mayorova L.V. Analysis of the current state of consumer lending in the Russian Federation and improving the work of banks with individuals
Savina S.S. Assessment of the stability of credit organizations based on the apparatus of statistical games
Svistunov A.V., Izhak A.P. Tariffs for utility tariffs under concessions
Lebedev V.V., Lebedev K.V. On the application of the Verhulst equation for analysis of differentiation of money incomes of the population of Russia
Korablev Yu.A. Capacitive method of analysis of rare sales in Excel
Byvshev V.A. Classical error theory as an alternative to soft computing
Kitapova K. The procedure for the preparation of financial statements
Beskempirov N.N. Financial Reporting - Organization Management Tool
Blakhanov M.M. Assessment of the market value of a company using the discounted cash flow method


Beach M.G., Rytikov S.A. Targeting training resources with a competency-based approach to corporate training
Nevezhin V.P., Bogomolov A.I. On the development of the concept of econometrics for the information society