Kungurtsev Yu. P., Kirsanov A. Yu. On the question of developing proposals for the creation of a network of centers of competence (commercialization of innovations) of the CIS member states in the framework of the implementation of the interstate program of innovative cooperation
Kokuytseva T.V. Proposals for the implementation of educational activities and staffing of the interstate program of innovative cooperation of the CIS member states
Bunevskaya S. B., Kim O. V. Economic security: evolution of paradigms and protection of the state economy
Tatarnikova N. A. State regulation of the poultry market
Ivanova Z. A. The mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector of the Russian economy


Sharapova N.V., Sharapova V.M., Borisov I.A. Estimation of personnel costs as a regulator of increasing labor productivity and personnel efficiency
Sokolov E.V., Grechkin D.A. Health financing system in Singapore
Gorsheneva O. V. The Role of Agricultural Marketing in the Development of Agriculture
Sharov V.A. International Labor Market
Ustimova O. V. Spirituality and the national idea as the basis of the global communicative space
Yakushev A. Zh. The concept of managing the reproduction of the scientific potential of scientists in the conditions of a change in economic structures and the development of an innovative sector of the economy


Kasyanenko T. G., Ivanov D. A. Synergy in the modern economy: definition and typology
Kireeva E. V. Evaluation of the stimulating effect of state financial policy on the development of small business in modern Russia
Menshaeva L. I. The problem of choosing the optimal taxation system by small businesses