UDC 336.233.2; 334.021; 331.5.024.54
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2021.10.01.013
Evgeny V. Sokolov
Evgeny V. Kostyrin
Svetlana V. Lasunova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
The proposed technology of financing enterprises and the Russian economy, harmoniously combining the interests of working citizens, owners and the state, makes it possible, at quite achievable rates of gross domestic product growth (enterprise revenue) by 3,5% per year, to ensure a 5% increase in wages of working citizens over 46,6 years, which will practically end poverty. To increase contributions to the development fund for 5 years by 25%, which the owners of enterprises and the entire workforce are interested in, since this ensures the growth of their incomes and the possibility of constant modernization and updating of technological equipment and the release of new competitive products. Increase in 5 years (despite a gradual decrease to 14,51% of contributions to the Pension Fund RF) the amount of funds received by budgets of all levels by 22%, which will allow the state to solve many social problems.
economic and mathematical model, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, working citizen, social state, salary, insurance pension, funded pension, pension provision, personalized pension account, breakthrough technology