UDC 331.215.3; 331.103
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2021.10.01.016
Evgeny V. Kostyrin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Models of stimulating the work of medical personnel in the conditions of the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 have been developed, namely: a model of stimulating the work of doctors and secondary medical personnel in the conditions of working in the “red zone”, diagnosing patients, post-COVID rehabilitation of patients and work related to vaccination of the population. A comprehensive system of staff motivation in the fight against COVID-19 has also been developed, including a comprehensive economic and mathematical model of financial incentives for doctors and nursing staff and tools for the practical implementation of the developed models using algorithms and software based on MS Excel spreadsheets. The practical implementation of the developed comprehensive system of stimulating the work of medical personnel was carried out on the example of a medical and preventive institution under the structural subordination of the Moscow Health Department, on the basis of which work on the prevention, vaccination and treatment of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 was organized. The application of a comprehensive economic and mathematical model of stimulating the work of medical personnel in practice allowed, in addition to guaranteed federal and regional surcharges for work under COVID-19, to provide average incentive payments per medical worker in the amount of 19 rubles per month, which made it possible to increase the average salary of doctors during the spread of COVID-XNUMX by almost XNUMX%, excluding federal and regional surcharges.
medical personnel, economic and mathematical model, labor incentive, integrated motivation system, “red zone”, diagnostics, rehabilitation, vaccination, COVID-19, incentive payment