UDC 331.109
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2021.10.01.009


Nina F. Kuzovleva
Sergey I. Bogatyryov
Diana E. Simakova
MIREA – Russian Technology University, Moscow, Russia


The article is devoted to the actual problems of preventing, identifying and resolving conflicts of interest in organizations. The concept of "conflict of interests", causes of the conflict of interests and its signs are considered. An analysis of judicial practice, typical situations of conflict of interests in the civil service and the regulatory framework was carried out, which allows us to determine preventive methods for resolving conflicts of interest. In the conditions of digitalization of the economy, objective necessity of creating integrated systems to minimize possible risks of a conflict of interests that threaten economic security of an individual, society and the state is revealed.


conflict of interests, personal interest, prevention, identification, resolving, declaration, digitalization, economy, economic security.