UDC 331.1
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2021.12.02.004
A. V. Dzhioev,
Vladikavkaz scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladikavkaz, Russia
Based on a wide range of works, the author considers the evolution of ideas about assessing the effectiveness of employment services in Russia in 1991–2019, as well as the transformation of the national project to promote employment in 2020–2021. Shown are both theoretical problems of assessing the effec-tiveness of the employment policy at the regional level, and the practical aspects of an active state employ-ment policy, including retraining of wide layers of the unemployed population and their further employment, as well as proactive retraining taking into account the needs of companies in the real sector of the economy.
employment service, employment support, effective employment, goal, national project.