UDC 338.2
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2022.04.03.001
Sergei A. Filin,
Kristina V. Bolshakova,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Aleksandr B. Lanchakov,
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(National Research University)
Zhannat M. Seisenbayeva,
South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov
The article focuses on the need to take into account different aspects of strategic planning for the development of the organization, the selection of appropriate strategies and methods of business planning. The article uses the following methods of scientific knowledge: general scientific research methods (analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison), economic analysis (trend, structural, coefficient and other methods of economic analysis). The theoretical foundations of strategic planning in the activities of organizations, approaches to strategic planning were analyzed; the state of the external and internal environment of Kaldis LLC, problems at Kaldis LLC, the effectiveness of strategic planning in the activities of Kaldis LLC was assessed. It was concluded that the effectiveness of strategic planning at Kaldis LLC is average and needs to be improved.
strategic planning, efficiency, business planning, strategy.