UDC 330 .1
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2022.04.03.016


Maksim I. Maksimov,
Natalia N. Pokutnyaya,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Currently, it is no longer enough for companies to simply provide a good product or service in order to be competitive in the market. The competition is getting stronger every year. There are more and more important factors in this struggle, one of which, sometimes decisive, is the quality of personnel.
The task of attracting candidates who are interested in work and have high qualifications is becoming more and more complex. The authors investigate the employer brand, HR brand – the image of the company as an employer, formed from positive and negative reviews and opinions of current and departed employees and candidates who have ever been exposed to the HR component of the company or its business as a whole.
In the conditions of the Russian market, this aspect is more relevant than abroad: due to the protracted transition from a wild economy with a high level of monopolization to a civilized market, the concept of an employer’s brand has been studied relatively recently.
The features of the development of the company’s image in Russia, its priority, as well as the impact on the position of the organization and its competitiveness are the areas of research in the article.


HR brand, innovation, management, competition, recruitment, image, corporate culture, communication.