UDC 316.354.2
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2022.04.03.023
Aleksei P. Sokolov,
Dmitrii A. Semenov,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics,
Moscow, Russia
The problem of interaction of State authorities with the civilian population has existed since
the beginning of the formation of States and the centralization of justice. The dissemination of laws, the maintenance
of state records, the collection of taxes – the state performs these functions by informing citizens
through the mass media or point-by-point.
The article analyzes specific examples of the interaction of the population with the state authorities on
the example of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation. The objectives are a comprehensive analysis of
the methods of interaction of public authorities with citizens, the choice of optimal methods and ways for tax
authorities to inform individuals and legal entities of the Russian Federation.
The methods of observation and statistical analysis were used in the study. Analysis of the interaction of
public authorities with individuals and legal entities led to the conclusion that it is necessary to accelerate the
pace of transition to electronic document management, as well as amendments to the regulatory framework
regarding the acceptance of electronic documents by legal entities.
digitalization, document management, state body.