UDC 332.142
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2022.04.03.024
Vladimir. V. Velikorossov,
Kirill O. Anufriev,
Yan Kylie,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russia
The article is aimed at analyzing the possibility of formation and development of foreign economic
commercial relations in the conditions of crisis and sanctions. The purpose of the study is to offer recommendations
on forecasting, planning and justifying the share of sales in exports in foreign markets; describing
and assessing the capacity of the foreign market; the level of demand and the type of national economy.
To substantiate the forecasts of the development of the foreign economic commercial relations, the following
methods were used: expert, extrapolation of trends, scripting, interviewing. The article analyzes the
construction of innovative ties and projects of international cooperation between public and private entities
of different countries. The forecast of the effectiveness of the development of foreign economic commercial
relations is given. The conclusion is made: with the optimal development of events, the effectiveness of the
management of the innovation process of the foreign economic commercial relations at the state level can
reach 25%, at the regional level – 34%, at the level of business structures – 42%.
foreign economic commercial relation, region, trade relation, foreign economic activity, innovative relation