UDC 338.012; 687.55
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2022.04.03.005


Dariko K. Balakhanova,
El’dar G. Abdullaev,
Aleksandr D. Balyshev,
Abdyraziz A.-Zh. ugli Tleubergenov,
Aziza A.-Zh. Tleubergenova,
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


This article is devoted to the application of the anti-crisis business model at Este Plaza LLC. The transformation of the business model is one of the methods of crisis management of the company, allowing to prevent a crisis situation. When writing the article, analytical, structural and systemic methods were used, as well as the method of economic analysis. It was concluded that modern business organizations now and in the future will have to carry out their activities not just in conditions of uncertainty, but in conditions of high turbulence, when phenomena and problems that differ in scale and content will arise unpredictably and unexpectedly. Therefore, the management of modern business organizations should always have an appropriate business model in their «arsenal.» The use of business models in the management of the organization’s activities is an effective, multifunctional tool.


business model, crisis, crisis management, cosmetics production, company, profit, goods, losses, pandemic.