UDC 338.48; 336.22
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2023.12.02.005
Elena S.Tsepilova,
Olesya P. Fesenko,
Sochi State University, Sochi, Russian Federation
The relevance of the paper is due to the need to improve budgetary and tax instruments for the implementation of the goals of the national project “Tourism and the hospitality industry”. The purpose is the scientific search for new tools for the development of tourism and the hospitality industry through budget financing and industry taxation. The structure includes an analysis of the budget support of the national project “Tourism and the hospitality industry” for 2023 and the planning period 2024-2025, the characteristics and projected consequences of the introduced in 2022-2023 VAT tax benefits for tourism industry entities, assessment of resort tax indicators and author’s proposals for its improvement. As a result, it was revealed that budget support for the hospitality industry will be drastically reduced from 2025, so industry business and local authorities need to find their own sources of financing, one of which is the resort tax.
domestic tourism, hospitality industry, guest houses, tax regulation, VAT, resort tax.