UDC 336.018 (045)
DOI: 10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2024.02.04.010


Sergey B. Kharchenko,
Kazan State Energy University, Kazan, Russian Federation
Elena E. Akulina,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K. G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University), Volga Cossack Institute of Management and Food Technologies (branch), Dimitrovgrad, Russian Federation


This article examines the economic effect of the development of the electronics industry. Today, this area is a driver of innovative development of the economy, and therefore is in the area of increased attention of national governments. Global trends in the development of this market are examined, and a description of the current state of the Russian electronics industry is given. The microregions where these industries are most developed are identified, as well as the barriers that impede the development of this market in Russia. It is proposed to consider the Russian Far East as a region that has a number of advantages in the development of the electronics industry and the economic effect of locating these industries in this macro-region.


electronics industry, innovation, economic effect, production, regional economy, GDP.