DOI: 10.36871/hon.202004006


K. K. Murataev
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
S. M. Krykbayeva
Kazakh National Women's Teacher Training University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


The article deals with insufficiently studied theoretical aspects of revealing and analyzing new elements and motives of artistic and compositional means of expression in folk art, as well as topical issues concerning determining principles and possible options for their creative development in modern decorative and applied art, design, and artistic practice in general. The most important structural features of shaping in traditional art in the ontologically interrelated system "nature — man — object" are analyzed.
The main structurally stable elements and components in Kazakh folk ornament are distinguished and characterized, these are the circle, S-shaped element, cruciform and triangular components. The evolution of their ideological and figurative interpretation and symbolism is traced, and their role in the genesis of folk art traditions formed over thousands of years is revealed. The selected basic elements of folk ornament, as the main components of means of artistic expression, are proposed to be defined and developed in line with modern interpretations of artistic and aesthetic categories — dynamics, statics, harmony and their decorative variations in accordance with the volumetric and spatial features of form.


artistic traditions, means of expression, folk art, ornament, symbolism, development, practice