DOI: 10.36871/hon.202103003


N. G. Bondarenko
Tula State Pedagogical University named after L. N. Tolstoy, Tula, Russian Federation


The growing availability of modern mobile smartphones and tablet computers is leading to an increase in the volume of content users consumed, including educational content. The development of mobile technologies opens up many opportunities for learning in higher education institutions. However, the use of mobile learning in student training should not be a spontaneous process, it is necessary to create pedagogically substantiate approaches and training methods. This article analyzes and interprets the results of existing research in pedagogy regarding the didactic potential of mobile learning in higher education system. A classification of didactic properties and functions of mobile learning is developed and proposed. The main didactic properties of mobile learning include: by the didactic feature of mobile learning — ten properties; by the technological feature of mobile learning — eleven properties. The main didactic functions of mobile learning are: by the didactic feature of mobile learning — eleven functions; by the technological feature of mobile learning — five functions. The didactic potential of mobile learning, due to its inherent didactic properties and functions, makes the educational process more effective, as well as contributes to the guaranteed achievement of students’ educational goals and planned learning outcomes.


mobile learning, didactic opportunities, didactic potential, properties, functions