DOI: 10.36871/hon.202204172


N. V. Koshkareva
State Music and Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, Moscow, 109147, Russian Federation


The name of Rodion Shchedrin is widely known all over the world. With his work, he has made a significant contribution to the treasury of world music. R. Shchedrin knows how to be different, he speaks to the listener in a modern language, preserving his individual handwriting and style, while not ignoring the techniques of composition within various stylistic directions. In each essay, R. Shchedrin touches on a new topic, giving it an original form of expression. The object of the analysis in this article is his choral creativity — one of the original pages in the legacy of the master. The author focuses on R. Shchedrin's works for the a'cappella choir. It is noted that the general line in the choral work of the composer is the "Russian theme". This concerns both the content of his works and the special means of compositional writing, including polyphonic ones. R. Shchedrin's polyphony incorporates various genre prototypes. Carrying on the traditions of the Russian school of composition and, in particular, that of M. I. Glinka, R. Shchedrin synthesizes in his choral opuses the methods of Western European (imitation) and Russian (sub-vocal) polyphony, which become an artistic and stylistic universal in the modern intonation dictionary of the composer.


R. Shchedrin, a'cappella choral creativity, polyphony, composer's style, music of the XXIst century