UDC 769.2
DOI: 10.36871/hon.202303149


Olga S. Golubeva,
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation


The article reviews the publications designed and illustrated by Saint Petersburg book graphic artists in the late XXth – early XXIst centuries: G. A. V. Traugot, M. S. Mayofis, A. N. Azemsha, S. A. Ostrov, V. I. Tsikota, K. O. Pochtennaya. The books are analyzed in terms of preserving the traditions that emerged in the early XXth century in the book graphics of the “World of Art” association, concerning both the visual manner and the peculiarities of design and approach to work on the publication as a whole.
Modern Saint Petersburg masters to varying degrees continue the traditions of the “World of Art”: they repeat the pictorial language and techniques of creating illustrations, strive for their “book” character, sometimes include elements stylistically close to those used by the participants of the “World of Art” association, strive to create a “beautiful book”, the integrity of the book body. It was with the “World of Art” that the tradition of co-creation between artist and writer in the national children’s book had begun, which was later “picked up” by the graphics of the Lebedev school together with Leningrad writers, and which continues to exist to this day.
For many masters whose illustrations are discussed in this article, working in a pictorial manner, close to the “World of Art”, is episodic. At the same time, the aspiration to the integrity of all design elements, to the “bookishness” of illustrations can be considered an established trend, in which commitment to the “World of Art” tradition is manifested.


“World of Art”, book graphics, traditions, children’s book, G. A. V. Traugot, M. S. Mayofis, A. N. Azemsha, S. A. Ostrov, V. I. Tsikota, K. O. Pochtennaya