DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.201902001
UDC: 619: 615: 614.99


Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology - BRANCH of FSBI Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science and Technology


In the context of an increasing anthropogenic pressure on the environment, the development and application of effective tools and methods for preventing the entry and accumulation of xenobiotics in animals and products are becoming highly relevant. At the same time, it is necessary to resolve issues such as deficiencies of micro and macro elements in soils, feeds and the body, the effect of oxidative stress, immune deficiency and other problems that are closely interrelated with the effect of ecotoxicants on the body. The solution of the practical tasks of preserving animal health and producing safe products in ecologically disadvantaged regions consists in developing a comprehensive livestock breeding system that can minimize the migration of an ecotoxicant in the trophic chain “soil - feed - animal - production” and compensate for the negative processes developing in the body animals as a result of exposure to harmful environmental factors, mineral and vitamin deficiency and unbalanced diets, the chronic effects of a variety of stress factors, immunodeficiencies, etc. The article presents a set of measures to ensure the production of safe products in animal husbandry in regions with increased anthropogenic stress, the main focus of which is on the development of compositions of sorption-detoxifying agents and private technologies for their use.


food safety, radioactive substances, heavy metals, sorption-detoxification technologies.