DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.201904016
UDC 639.3.043.13: 57.049


Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology - BRANCH of FSBI Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Science and Technology


Research work was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the Akwa-Biot-Norm biogenic feed additive. It was found that the use of a Lena sturgeon biogenic feed supplement based on the polysaccharide complex of yeast cells Saccharomyces cerevisiae stimulates the growth and development of fish, contributes to a significant increase in hemoglobin concentration due to both an increase in the number of red blood cells and an increase in their functional activity, which indicates the activation of hematopoiesis and increased tension redox processes and metabolism in general. An increase in the absolute number of leukocytes with a marked increase in the proportion of lymphocytes and a decrease in the relative number of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils within physiological norms was revealed. These changes in the leukocyte profile of Lena sturgeon indicate a high degree of development of cellular immunity. The amount of total protein in the blood serum of Lena sturgeon increased, which indicates the activation of synthetic processes in the body of fish and, as a result, an increase in the intensity of their growth. Significantly increased the value of such indicators of nonspecific resistance of the fish organism as bactericidal activity of blood serum by 4,0%, phagocytic activity of neutrophils by 5,5% and the concentration of the proteolytic enzyme lysozyme by 142,9%, which indicates the activation of cellular and humoral links of nonspecific resistance organism. The conducted studies confirm the effectiveness of the use of the Akwa-Biot-Norm biogenic feed additive to stimulate the growth, development and prevention of fish morbidity by activating the nonspecific resistance of the organism in conditions of environmental and technological pressure.


Lena sturgeon, Akwa-Biot-Norm, growth and development, ichthyomass, phagocytic activity of neutrophils, bactericidal activity of serum, lysozyme.