DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202002012
UDC 619: 614.31


1Pavlova E.V., Ph.D. biol. sciences, professor of the department
1, 2 Udavliev D.I., Dr. Biol. sciences, professor of the department
1 Putin T.G. Cand. vet. sciences, associate professor
1Shikhov S.S., master, senior lecturer
1Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, Russian Federation
2VNII of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology - a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution FSC VIEV RAS. Moscow Russian Federation


For safety of herbal teas for consumers, the veterinary and sanitary expertise of plant raw materials and finished goods including definition of the content of heavy metals, microbiological indicators, mycotoxins, pesticides according to requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs union 021/2011 "About safety of food products" has to be carried out. Data of veterinary and sanitary examination of 50 samples of multicomponent herbal teas on the normalized indicators are provided. The assessment of risk of contamination of herbal raw materials and herbal teas by pathogenic microorganisms and microorganism activators of damage of raw materials and products is carried out. All packed herbal tea samples conformed to the requirements fixed by the existing standards. The maintenance of mold fungi in herbal tea rooibos with cinnamon in 021% of samples from 2011 no more than 48 exceeded the normalized quantity, by 10…100 times. Mold fungi have been provided by not toxicogenic types of Alternaria, Penicillium, Cladosporium. The maintenance of aflatoxin did not exceed norm in all studied samples of herbal teas. Stability at storage of herbal tea depends on quantity and species composition of residual microflora. The raised maintenance of mold fungi of activators of damage can lead to reduction of expiration date of herbal tea.


herbal tea, microbiota, safety, QMAFAnM, microorganisms, Salmonella, coliform, plant raw materials.