DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202002013
UDC 636.085.3


1Parshutina A.A., Bachelor
1Solovieva A.A., bachelor
1 Satyukova L.P., Ph.D. vet. Sciences, Associate Professor
2 Shubina E.G., Ph.D. Chem. Sciences, Senior Researcher
2Grudev A.I., acting Deputy Head of Moscow
Testing Laboratory - Head of Department
1 FSBEI HE Moscow State University of Food Production (FSBEI HE MGUPP), Moscow, Russian Federation
2 FSBI Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory (FSBI TsNMVL), Moscow, Russian Federation


The article shows the importance of the study of feed for broiler chickens on the content of organochlorine pesticides. These substances in significant concentrations can disrupt the development of birds and cause mass poisoning. The study of formula feed for broiler chickens «prestart» and «start» by two methodswas conducted: a certified method for the determination of organochlorine pesticides in feed and formula feed (thin layer chromatography) and a method for detecting pesticides not certified for feed (gas-liquid chromatography with mass spectrometer detector). During the experiment, the presence of organochlorine pesticides in several formulafeed samples was revealed.


formula feed, analysis, organochlorine pesticides, chromatography.