DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202002005
UDC 619: 576.89; 619: 614.31; 619: 616.995.1


Panova O.A., Khrustalev A.V. All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plant – branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Centre VIEV”, Moscow, Russian Federation.


The paper presents the results of a veterinary and sanitary study of meat and offal of wild boar (Sus scrofa). According to the results of our study, adult boars were infected with helminths, which are dangerous for humans: in two boars (14,3%) plerocercoids Spirometra sp. (sparganum) were found in the intermuscular connective tissue, in two samples (14,3%) microcysts of protozoa Sarcocystis sp. were detected, in one sample (7,1%) a large number of nematodes of the genus Metastrongylus were found in the lungs. Trichinosis, cysticercosis, echinococcosis, fascioliasis were not registered by us in the presented material.


wild boar, products of slaughter, veterinary and sanitary examination, sparganosis, sarcocystosis, metastrongylesis.