DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202101010
UDC 619: 614.31.48


Saypullaev M.S.
Koichuev A.U.
Batyrova A.M.
Gajimuradova Z.T.
Mirzoeva T.B.
Federal State Budgetary Institution «Federal agricultural research centre of the Republic of Dagestan» (FGBNU «FUNC RD»), Makhachkala, Russian Federation


The creation of highly effective, environmentally safe and cheap disinfectants is a priority task of veterinary science, for the rehabilitation of veterinary surveillance facilities.
The article presents the results of laboratory tests of a new product «Penox-2» for simultaneous disinfection and whitewashing of veterinary surveillance objects. Museum cultures of Escherichia coli (1257 pieces), Staphylococcus aureus (209P pieces), mycobacteria (5 pieces) were used as test microorganisms. (pieces B-96) and Bас. сereus (pieces 2). To simulate the natural contamination of test surfaces, inactivated blood serum from loschad was used. The quality of disinfection was studied by examining flushes from experimental and control test surfaces for the presence of a given test culture. At the same time, it was found that solutions of the drug «Penox-15» disinfects Escherichia coli on smooth surfaces for 30 minutes, and Staphylococcus aureus for 0,25 minutes, at the rate of 0,3 – 2 l / m30. Disinfection of Escherichia coli on rough (concrete, wood) test surfaces took place in 1 min., Staphylococcus aureus in 0,5 hour, at the rate of 2 l / m2.For decontamination of test surfaces contaminated with mycobacteria, a single irrigation with a solution of «Penox -3» was required, for 0,5 hours of exposure, and for spores You. cereus, with double irrigation, at the rate of 2 l / m3, exposure XNUMX hours.
The results of research have shown that the solution of the drug «Penox-2» is an effective disinfectant against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.


decontamination, disinfection, irrigation, solution, concentration, consumption of deodorant, exposure, test surfaces, test cultures.