DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202102002
UDC 619: 614.31: 637.5


Popov P.A.
Babunova V.S.
Osipova I.S.
Lavina S.A.
Netychuk S.S.
Timofeeva I.V.
All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology – Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Center – K.I. Skryabin, Ya.R. Kovalenko All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences» Moscow, Russian Federation


Over the last few years, the livestock industry in Russia significantly increases the production of the main types of meat (pork, beef, poultry). In modern industrial animal husbandry, poultry and fish farming with intensive technologies of animal rearing, technological regulations, instructions for the use of veterinary drugs are often violated. In this regard, the residual contents of veterinary drugs, hormones and b-agonists are encountered in animal products.
Screening and arbitration methods are used to control the residual content of veterinary drugs, both in the Russian Federation and in the countries of the European Union.
The development and improvement of existing tools and methods for controlling the residual contents of veterinary drugs is an important task for veterinary science.


meat, meat products, veterinary drugs, antibiotics, growth stimulants, hormones.