DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202102005
UDC 619: 616.992.28


Piryazeva E.A.
All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology – Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Center – K.I. Skryabin, Ya.R. Kovalenko All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences» Moscow, Russian Federation


The article presents data on the prevalence of Alternaria fungi in 26 samples of legume forage grasses of the genera Trifolium, Lupinus, Vicia, Lathyrus and Medicago. The study showed that fungi of this genus were present in 25 samples, with the dominant species Alternaria tenuissima (in 19 samples), A. alternata was detected almost four times less often (in 5) and in isolated cases – A. arborescens (in 1) and representatives of the A. infectoria species complex (in 2).


forage grasses, Fabaceae, prevalence, Alternaria.