DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202102009
UDC 619: 615.281: 636.5


Suntsova O.A.
Zadorozhnaya M.V.
Lysko S.B.
Siberian Research Institute of poultry farming – Branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Omsk Agricultural Research Center» p. Morozovka, Omsk Region, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of processing incubation chicken eggs with a pectin- based preparation to reduce microbial contamination of the egg shell. It was found that the use of a 1% solution of pectin before laying and on the 18,5th day of incubation reduces the total contamination of the shell by 78,9-98,4% and the frequency of excretion of microflora by 10-100% in comparison with the control, we treat with formaldehyde vapor. This made it possible to increase the hatchability of eggs by 2,69%.


microbial contamination, pectin, hatching eggs, hatchability of eggs, hatching young.