DOI: 10.36871 / vet.san.hyg.ecol.202103016
UDC 619.615.9: 611.36-091


Yamalova G.R.
Khalikova K.F.
Malanev A.V.
Aleуev D.V.
Gubeeva E.G.
Federal Сenter for Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety, Kazan, Russian Federation


Experiments were conducted to study the effect of medicinal products consisting of dipyroxime, sodium bromide, pyridoxine and phenazepam with diosmectite on pathomorphological changes in the internal organs of white rats with β-cypermethrin poisoning in an average lethal dose. The results of the study showed that the most pronounced effect of the pesticide has on the liver, kidneys, and brain. Necrobiological and dystrophic changes were noted. The use of a therapeutic agent consisting of dipyroxime, sodium bromide and pyridoxine leads to a decrease in the negative effect of the pesticide on the liver, brain and kidneys. The use of phenazepam and diosmectite leads to a sedative effect on animals, and promotes the adsorption and excretion of β-cypermethrin from the animal body.


pyrethroids, β-cypermethrin, therapeutic agents, pathomorphological studies, rats.