UDC 619: 614.48: 637.412
doi: 10.36871/vet.san.hyg.ecol.202201008


Sergey S. Kozak
All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Poultry Processing Industry – branch of Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Scientific Center – All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Farming», Moscow region, Russian Federation


The results of study have been given in the paper of disinfecting properties of «Ecom 50» disinfectant at the base of alkildimethil benzilammonia chloride and veterinary sanitary evaluation of egg content after egg shell treatment with this disinfectant. It is proved that 0,5-0,6% E50 solution (in disinfectant) usage for food egg disinfection ensures S. typhimurium inactivation at the shell surface and doesn’t effect on eggs veterinary sanitary traits. Eggs treated with E2 disinfectant correspondence SS requirements for food hen eggs during 5 days of storage in 50±15˚C temperature.


disinfection, alkildimethil benzilammonia chloride, egg shell, quality, safety