UDC 619: 615.9.614.9
doi: 10.36871/vet.san.hyg.ecol.202202002


Alena V. Filatova,
Julia V. Bibaeva,
Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov, Russian Federation
Maria V. Nistratova,
Vladimir S. Avdeenko,
Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Вulathtan B. Вulathtanov,
Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «FANC RD», Makhachkala, Russian Federation


Under supervision were XNUMX cows with a productivity of more than XNUMX tons of milk in XNUMX days of lactation, which were divided into XNUMX groups: the XNUMXst experimental – hygienic products were not used; XNUMXnd - animals treated nipples with a hygienic agent based on chlorhexidine bigluconate hydrochloride/aloe tree oil («CGB aloe»); XNUMXrd - cows were treated with udder nipples with a disinfectant «Teasfoam Supercow»; XNUMXth – the hygienic agent «ProfilacDryOff» was used. It was found that in cows after the use of «CGB aloe» before and after milking there is a pronounced positive correlation between the number of somatic cells and the concentration of lactoferin in milk (XNUMX... XNUMX; p > XNUMX) and a moderate negative correlation between free oxyproline and lactoferin content and lactoperoxidase activity (XNUMX... XNUMX; p > XNUMX). The absence of biochemical changes in the milk of cows allows us to conclude that the use of hygienic agents before and after milking does not negatively affect the composition of milk. There is an increase of lactoperoxidase activity by XNUMX times and a decrease of lactoferin concentration by XNUMX times compared to their content in milk of cows without application of hygienic agents. Based on the results obtained, the following conclusion can be made: disinfection of nipples by the hygienic agent «CGB aloe» before and after milking cows does not prevent hyperkeratosis of nipples in XNUMX% of animals. In addition, XNUMX% are diagnosed with subclinical mastitis. When disinfecting udder nipples with the Teasfoam Supercow agent, hyperkeratosis of udder nipples was noted in XNUMX% of cows, XNUMX% had subclinical mastitis.


veterinary and sanitary assessment of milk, biochemistry of milk, hygienic products