UDC 619: 614.31: 637.56
doi: 10.36871/vet.san.hyg.ecol.202203005


Ilyas F. Adiatulin,
National Fish Safety, Moscow 1096262, Russian Federation
Vasiliy I. Belousov,
Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory, Moscow 111622, Russian Federation; Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin, Moscow 109472, Russian Federation
Evgenia A. Romanenko,
Artem I. Grudev,
Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory, Moscow 111622, Russian Federation


The article presents the results of monitoring studies of residues of prohibited and harmful substances in fish and fish products on the territory of the Russian Federation for the period from 2008 to 2020. 447 samples of fish and fish products were examined. In the studied samples, KMAFAnM, BGCP, yeast, mold, helminths, histamine, amphenicols, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, benz(a)pyrene, p were detected.


laboratory control, fish, fish products, safety indicators