UDC 636.5.087.69
doi: 10.36871/vet.san.hyg.ecol.202204010


Ayub Yu. Aliev,
Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution «FANTS RD», Makhachkala 372000, Russian Federation
Sergey V. Fedotov,
Natalya S. Belozertseva,
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology – MVA by K.I. Skryabin, Moscow 109472, Russian Federation


The nutritional value of milk and raw milk is determined by protein, so we paid special attention to determining the protein composition of raw milk. Were made measurements: the mass fraction of total nitrogen, the mass fraction of non-protein nitrogenous compounds, the content of urea, essential and non-essential amino acids. Biochemical studies of the protein composition of milk obtained from cows with suspected mastitis indicate that the content of total protein, casein, albumin and globulins in milk significantly changed with the growth of pathological processes in the mammary gland. Lactic cows underwent an express increase in the state of health, udder using Somatest manufactured and based on the result obtained, three groups of animals of XNUMX goals were formed. in everyone. XNUMXst group detainees questionable test for Somatest express method; animals XNUMXnd – weakly positive; the XNUMXrd group included blood with a negative reaction to the tests. The difference in protein content was XNUMX% (P < XNUMX) and XNUMX%; casein content – XNUMX% (P < XNUMX) and XNUMX% (P < XNUMX). According to the content of serum proteins, the opposite picture was observed, with the increase in udder pathology, the amount of albumins increased by XNUMX% in the first group compared to the control; and by XNUMX% – in the second group. In terms of the content of globulins, an increase was also noted in comparison with the control in the first group by XNUMX% (P < XNUMX) and XNUMX% (P < XNUMX). In milk samples of three test groups of animals, we identified XNUMX amino acids, of which XNUMX were essential and XNUMX non-essential. The test results indicate slight changes in the content of essential amino acids in cows with an increase in the inflammatory reaction in the udder. Diseases of the udder of cows are reflected in the quantitative ratio between the constituent parts of the protein fractions of milk, in particular, this is manifested in a decrease in casein, as well as in an increase in the content of whey proteins. Thus, the amount of casein needed to make cheese is reduced and whey protein is increased, making the milk unsuitable for cheese making.


cows, subclinical mastitis, Somatest mastitis test, protein composition of milk, replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids