UDC 619: 579
doi: 10.36871/vet.san.hyg.ecol.202301012


Lilit N. Grigoryan,
Yuliya V. Bataeva,
Jamilya M. Bratilova,
Astrakhan State University name of V.N. Tatishcheva Astrakhan 414056, Russian Federation


The safety of the Streptomyces carpaticus RCAM04697 strain on daphnia (Daphnia magna Straus), albino rats and albino mice was assessed for compliance with industrial microorganisms for agricultural purposes. Studies have shown that the suspension and aqueous solutions of the S. carpaticus RCAM04697 strain do not have a depressing effect on the survival of D. magna individuals, which allows them to be classified as non-toxic substances for aquatic organisms. In terms of virulence, dissemination, toxicity and toxigenicity, the S. carpaticus RCAM04697 strain is not pathogenic for warm-blooded animals.


actinobacteria, virulence, dissemination, toxicity, toxigenicity