


The management of the shipbuilding industry in Russia does not have a clearly structured system of information links, in connection with which the basic management principle is violated, that is, the management body does not receive a sufficient amount of information about the control object. As a result, the needs for shipbuilding products at the country level are not assessed; ministries and each of the participants in the shipbuilding investment process form a local, narrow picture of the industry's situation. There are no governing bodies that combine information and make informed decisions on its basis in the interests of the country's economy. Consequently, the issues of the formation of a full-fledged information management loop in the shipbuilding industry and the issues of harmonizing the interests of various participants should be considered primarily at the state level. In particular, such a coordination of interests of all stakeholders in shipbuilding is also necessary within the framework of the current system of regulatory regulation of the industry, which was discussed above. The noted shortcomings in the application of certain normative acts and the system as a whole require changes and improvements. Taking into account that the interconnections between the managing and managed subsystems unite them into a single whole (it is they who determine what emergent properties of the shipbuilding industry as a system will be), we can conclude that these interconnections must be carefully analyzed and built from system positions.


shipbuilding, investment, management, information circuit