


Based on the previously constructed diagrams (graphs) of the growth of the values ​​of the selected technical and economic indicators (document? (D_6)? ^ 2), their values ​​are extrapolated to the year of the start of production of a new product (service) (operation? (O_8)? ^ 2). Moreover, the selection is made on the existing products (services) of all competing firms. As a result, we form an ideal image of a new product (service) (innovation? (N_1)? ^ 2), which will be created in the process of R&D on the basis of one of the holding enterprises or in a contracting organization commissioned by the management company. In parallel with this operation, an assessment is made of the overall scientific and technical level of the forthcoming development of a new product (service) (operation? (O_9)? ^ 2). This level (parameter? (P_5)? ^ 2) must be guaranteed to be achieved as a result of R&D and testing of experimental samples of new products (services).


modeling, innovation, economic indicators, new products, marketing research.