


The euphoria of the effectiveness of applying the system modeling methodology in the study of the nature and synthesis of artificial systems has pushed the scientific community to its large-scale use in the sciences, the subject of study of which is the human community - economics, sociology, political science, history, philosophy, etc. However, many years of work have not yet led to notable successes. It turned out that the systems in which the key role belongs to man - sociocultural systems - are fundamentally different from natural and artificial systems and the methods of research of the latter are not always applicable for their analysis. We need a specific methodology for modeling sociocultural systems, and, consequently, a theoretical justification for its applicability. This article analyzes the effectiveness of the existing model arsenal of system modeling. In order to expand it and extend it to the class of sociocultural systems, an original approach to the description of system dynamics is substantiated and the corresponding modeling language is proposed. The analogy is proved in the development of sociocultural and living systems and the assumption is justified on the advisability of initiating a new scientific direction in the study of the activity of the human community - the genetics of sociocultural systems.


sociocultural system, system analysis, modeling, modeling language, event, prediction, causation, circuit, model of internal dynamics, gene, organizational DNA.