UDC 519.83


A.M. Chistilin


Game theory was first systematically introduced by Neumann and Morgenstern and was published only in 1944 in the monograph Game Theory and Economic Behavior, although some results were published in the 20s. After the end of World War II, game theory fell into the field of vision of the military, who saw in it mathematical tools for making decisions in conflict situations. As a result, the game theory toolkit was widely involved not only in economics, but also in such branches of science as psychology, conflict resolution, the art of negotiation, and diplomacy. At the present stage, the methodological tools of game theory are widely used in making managerial decisions in various branches of human activity. The purpose of this article is to familiarize yourself with the basic methodological tools of game theory and obtain minimal skills for its use in making elementary management decisions.


game theory, modeling tools, matrix games, maximin and minimax, linear programming problems.