UDC 338.2


A.V. SVISTUNOV, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics,
A.P. IZHAK, 1st year student of the master's program in Economics


The article examines the problem of inconsistency in tariff setting in the field of housing and communal services using the example of a water supply and sewage complex, which is accompanied by increasing deterioration of the communal infrastructure and the mismatch of the quality of public utilities with the necessary requirements and standards. Tariffs set by government bodies do not cover current expenses of utilities. Investments in the reconstruction and modernization of worn-out communal infrastructure are not made in the required amount. The formation of systematic tariff regulation will help to stop the growth of tariffs, modernize water supply and sanitation facilities and ensure an improvement in the quality of public utilities.


Housing and utilities, tariff setting, systematic, water supply and sanitation enterprises.