UDC 338.2 (075.8)




Idea. A variant of a comprehensive assessment of the economic sustainability of an enterprise by the criterion of the integral level of economic sustainability (EU) is proposed, based on five basic complex factors: a) the position of the enterprise on the curve of its own life cycle; b) analysis of economic efficiency based on a fuzzy random variable ROE; c) the degree of market positioning of the enterprise in the "scarlet" and "blue" oceans; d) assessment of the integral risk of loss of life (bankruptcy); d) assessment of the integral chance of the organization for a qualitative leap. Method. Each of the above 5 factors is determined in the framework of its special assessment method. The result of the assessment passes the linguistic classification according to the standard principle, with the “mapping” of the original medium onto a standard medium defined on the interval [0, 1]. All factors are ordered by importance in an integrated assessment of the level of economic stability, factor weights are obtained on this basis by the Fishburn method. Next, a comprehensive assessment of ES is carried out according to the principle of a matrix aggregate computer (MAV). Conclusion The presented two-level evaluation scheme allows you to modify it over a wide range (adding factors to the list, changing the list of factors, changing the order of evaluation of factors).


economic stability, 4x6 matrix, matrix aggregate calculator, “blue ocean”, life cycle (LC), balanced scorecard (BSC).