UDC 004.94


L.S. Zvyagin


The concept of “modeling” is ambiguous: this is a certain process of creating a model, and a process of studying the performance of a system model. Therefore, in a sense, modeling is a two-stage process - the development and simulation of a model. The entire simulation process is done to study and analyze the behavior of the system, which, in the end, will contribute to its improvement. The purpose of modeling is represented as the use of mathematical methods for the most effective solution of problems arising in the field of economics using modern mathematical technology. Arbitrary economic objects act as the object of such studies; therefore, modeling is an important tool in the hands of specialists involved in the management of economic objects and, especially, those who create automated control systems. The purpose of this article is to familiarize yourself with the concept of modeling economic systems and their classifications, enumerate existing mathematical models in global economic systems and familiarize yourself with the main features of the process of simulating a model.


model, modeling, probabilistic estimates, economic analysis, systems approach, analytical methods, management