UDC 621.313.13


A. L. Zolkin
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Volga State University of Water Transport (Samara branch), Lecturer of the Department of Natural Science and General Professional Disciplines, Samara, Russia
A. I. Dzhangarov
Chechen State University, Assistant of the Department of Programming and Infocommunication Technologies, Grozny
A. N. Koltsov
Samara State Transport University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Senior Lecturer, Samara, Russia


The comprehensive methodology of control over the wearing of motive-power unit traction motor collectors is studied in this article. Also this article provides the results of development of a software product used for control over the wearing of motive-power unit traction motor collectors in conditions of repair production using modern information technologies. Authors propose the software product that allows to perform quick and truthful calculation of the wearing parameters of motive-power unit traction motor collectors depending on their run distance.


Collector, Motive-power unit, Engine, Wearing, Software product, Parameters change, Control