UDC 004.81


Vinogradov Gennady P.
Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Tver State Technical University, Tver, Russia
Prokhorov Alexey A.
ZAO NII Tsentrprogramsystems, Tver, Russia
Shepelev Georgy A.
ZAO NII Tsentrprogramsystems, Tver, Russia


A robotic complex should be considered as a cyberphysical object, which is an informationrelated set of physical components, onBoard measurement systems, onBoard Executive systems, onBoard computer system, where control algorithms are implemented, and a control point with an informationcontrol field. Such an object must have the property of selfsufficient behavior that guarantees the fulfillment of a certain mission. The requirement to intellectualize behavior makes us reconsider the logical and mathematical abstractions that are the basis for building their onboard control systems. The problem of developing such systems based on pattern theory is relevant. It is shown that this ensures the transfer of effective experience and ensures the compatibility of the theological approach and the approach based on causeandeffect relationships. Problems of identification and construction of pattern models are considered. It is proposed to use four information processing positions for this purpose, and a method of logical inference on patterns is developed


Decision making, Robotic complex, Purposeful systems, Fuzzy judgment, Choice situation