UDC 001.2: 165: 167: 004.9
DOI: 10.36871/2618-9976.2021.10.002


Zvyagin L.S.
PhD of Economics, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department "System analysis in economics", Moscow, Russia


Mathematical modeling of Petri is applicable to many systems. It is a promising tool for describing and studying information processing systems that are characterized as simultaneous, asynchronous, distributed, parallel, nondeterministic or stochastic. As a graphical tool, Petri nets can be used as a means of visual communication, similar to flowcharts. In addition, tokens are used in these networks to simulate the dynamic and parallel activity of systems. As a mathematical tool, Petri Nets can be used to set up equations of state, algebraic equations, and other mathematical models that control the behavior of systems. Petri nets can be used by both practitioners and theorists. In general, Petri villages provide a powerful communication environment between them: practitioners can learn from theorists how to make their models more methodical, and theorists can learn from practitioners how to make their models more realistic.


Petri nets
Modeling, simulation
Processes and algorithms
Theory of complexes